Networking and Communications:

  • group project: design, build, and connect wired or wireless node(s) with network or bus addresses
  • individual project: send a message between two projects
  • Networking and Communications

    From interface and application week:

  • I did lighting an LED with my smart phone using bluetooth and arduino and interface with the, This is is the set up that i decided to go with
  • which the set up looked like the following

    the code for the arduino that i manupulated and decided to upload to the arduino can be found here

    program files

    on which the idea had the flow of the following path as shown below

    after uploading the code to arduino the next step is to get the interface/ the app to switch the LED on and Off

    This lead to the development of the next part of networking and communication between devices

    Networking and communication


    In the interfacing i had used one bluetooth module, in this next part i decided to use two bluetooth module to send data like RS-232 or UART with bluetooth

    i decided to do a little diging for infomation.

  • Using SpP each of the connected deevice can send and recieve data just as there is RX and TX lines
  • I to write program to control slave uno from a master uno

    having have worked on 3D printers,it was evident monitoring of temperature is the most essential part of the whole process and in building of any other device that need close monitoring of the temperature.

    using this bluetooth communication i decided to send data of temparature from DS18b20 temperature to the screen in the next control board as shown by the program written above.

    connection on breadboard

    two arduino interfacing

    for measuring temparature i used is Ds18b20 which looks as follows

    two arduino interfacing

    the idea was to use the master slave technique of interfacing, on start up the master device initialises the LCD and starts a timer. When the timer finishes it sends out a request for the temprature and the timer is reset at the same time within the main loop. when the it receives the data it is displayed in the screen. the slave majorly wates the request from the master which it send the data afterwords.

    the scketches reference used

    two arduino interfacing

    After connecting and several trials the following was displayed

    two arduino interfacing

    program file used

    program Files